Thursday, 21 June 2012

Yesterday, knowing how bad the forecast was for the rest of the week, I decided to spend an hour in the garden doing some weeding and odd jobs. So, an hour turned into 2 and quite a bit hours. I only stopped as, being of the freckly persuasion I didn't want to catch too much sun and decided to carry on in the evening. Having said that, it was a lovely morning and the time just flew.

Not too many weeds really, the nastursiums were going a bit crazy so I pulled one or two up as they were starting to crowd the corn and pumpkins.
The tomato sideshoot I managed to get to root is coming along really well, I've moved it into a bigger pot and it looks like it has potential. Will definitely do more of these next year, it's easy now I know how.

We've had a few peas just about fat enough to pick, even managed to pop a few in Leah's lunch box. I love peas!

My impatience got the better of me and I pulled the carrots that had been growing in the Ikea bag.

So, I could have waited a couple more weeks but I really wanted to move the bag so I could do a bit of reorganising and they did taste really sweet. Have already sown some more carrots in the bag, will try and be  more patient next time.

This afternoon, I had just stepped into the garden when I heard a rattling by the fence. There was our friendly neighbourhood squirrel biting off the head of yet another one of our sunflowers. The little so-and-so just picked it up in it's mouth and legged it then sat on our neighbours shed nibbling it down to a more portable size.

Now, if only squirrels could be trained to eat snails so voraciously we would get along famously.

I'm off to grab a torch and do a quick snail patrol.

Night, night.



  1. Very jealous of your sunshine Maggie - not a sign of it here! Can't believe the squirrel - he just thinks your great in providing loads of free food for him! xx

    1. Niamh, seems like it's universally bad everywhere at the moment but we just have to get on with it don't we. Hope it you get some better weather very soon. x

  2. Like you I made the most of the good weather by doing some plotting.
    Ring-necked parakeets chomp my sunflowers!
    That's a terrific squirrel picture. I'm slightly envious as I've yet to photograph any hereabouts. Flighty xx

    1. Our parakeets aren't that bold thankfully although they do strip our neighbour's cherry tree every year within in about 2 days. x

  3. Well done with your tomato cutting - great way to get free plants.

    1. Thanks Elaine and yes it is a great way of getting free plants. I couldn't help myself, I've got 3 more off shots I'm now trying to get to take root. Sometimes it's hard to know when to stop :D x

  4. amazed at how much you pack into your garden - and great to find another Londoner.
    p.s. your tomatoes will appreciate the good weather now on the way though June has been the wettest for a century

    1. Thanks Laura, it may not be the prettiest garden but I'm on my way to getting the most out of it I can. As for the weather. I think we've been luckier in London then most the rest of the country, at least we seem to be getting more sunshine than most.
