Sunday, 8 April 2012

Good stuff happening to do with the garden.
1. sold some young plants at Easter fayre, which makes me happy that people thought my plants were good enough to buy and earns me some money for a change.
2. went to garden centre and got plugs for hanging baskets, all planted up and covered up from frost
3. nasturstiums starting to come up.

Have learn't that I shouldn't have planted out young plants before the frost is over and then leave them un cloched. RIP little plants, you did not die in vain, I have learn't my lesson. Still, getting itchy green fingers, want to plant out, hurry up and be gone frosts!

Really hoping for that rain promised for tomorrow, need to fill my water butts.

JUst thought I'd share a picture of the cherry blossom on the tree in our garden, this has happened 4 weeks earlier then usual, probably fooled by all that great weather we had.
And finally, my first flowering of the blueberry we planted early autumn last year. Love the flowers.Not sure if it's early too. Will go and look that up now.

1 comment:

  1. You are a little way ahead of me - my cherry blossom is nowhere in sight - although the pear is is full swing and the damson tree. I have anything vulnerable covered up at the moment - although it has rained steadily for the last few days.
