Last year, my gardening motto at the start of the season was very much
if I can't eat I don't want it.
We all make mistakes.
Over the growing season, it was great to have so much green but I missed colour.
I did have huge success with cosmos, rudbeckia goldstrum and a daisy type perennial but the overwhelming colour in the garden was green.
This year, flowers no longer rate second billing but are starring side by side with the edibles, mostly.
I still have to work on my planning, I am a work in progress as a gardener.
There are always bees to be found in the garden now, and I'm glad. To me that means I'm getting it at least quite a bit right.
Bargain bulbs from Wilkos, an unreliable permanent marker means I don't know the name.
Calendula "fruit twist" |
The "bed" bed which is a mix of flowers, herbs, strawberries and garlic.
I was chatting to my neighbour over the fence this morning and neither of us have seen any ladybirds in our gardens this year, hers is a real cottage style garden so it isn't like there isn't loads to tempt all sorts of bugs.
It's a bit of a worry really. Maybe they are delayed because of the late spring.
I hope they start arriving soon.
I bought this lovely bug house from Aldi, I'd been wanting one for an age so to finally find one that was low cost enough not to make Dave raise an eyebrow was good.